
In the realm of the web3 industry, the success and acceptance of a product hinge upon its ability to provide tangible value to users. A robust economic model should be intricately tailored to serve the inherent characteristics of the product, actively contributing to the realization and transmission of its unique value proposition. Dios, committed to this overarching objective, has designed its economic model as a strategic enabler, dedicated to optimizing the user experience and ensuring the seamless delivery of value within the digital entertainment ecosystem.

Business Logic

Influencing the decision-making process of players/users regarding investment and recharging within the gaming realm are two paramount factors:

the capital at their disposal and the anticipated rate of return.

In simpler terms, when other variables remain constant, the decision to invest, say, $100, varies significantly for a player with $1 million in hand compared to one with only $10,000. Similarly, an investment project boasting a 30% rate of return is inherently more attractive than an alternative project yielding a mere 10% return.

Dios Revenue Streams

1.Commission from Player Battle Investment Flow

By enhancing the capital and return rates for players, we stimulate increased engagement, securing a proportionate share of the battle investment flow.

2.Token Economy Liquidity

Through the establishment of a high-cash-flow battle platform, we attract Web3 funds, incentivizing greater player involvement through financial encouragement. Employing a token deflation mechanism ensures sustained appreciation, fostering an investment environment that is more appealing to players.

Token Introduction

Dios introduces a dual-token system comprising Governance Token (DCT) and Gaming Token (DRT), alongside a virtual variant, E-DRT.

Dios Capital Token (DCT): DCT serves as a collateralized proof, enabling players to acquire chips worth several times the market value of DCT (e.g., exchanging $1 worth of DCT for $3 worth of virtual DRT). This incentivizes players to significantly increase their in-game currency (DRT) investments.

Acquisition Methods:

  • Purchase through exchanges

  • Players achieving top positions in the weekly profit leaderboard receive DCT rewards

Upon destroying DCT on the platform, players obtain virtual DRT at a minimum threefold market value as chips for gaming. The multiplier dynamically adjusts. Virtual DRT, however, cannot be directly withdrawn, serving solely for betting and constituting a single-use consumable.

Dios Return Token (DRT): DRT functions as a gaming token with a system mechanism dedicated to maintaining a 1:1 exchange ratio with USDT (as outlined in subsequent sections). It encourages players to increase in-game investments, providing a continuous incentive for users to transition from mere players to investor players.

Virtual DRT: A direct byproduct of DCT-to-DRT exchange, it is solely usable for betting, non-withdrawable, and treated as a one-time consumable, irrespective of win or loss.

Circulation Logic: For every $100 equivalent bet by both sides in a match, $83 becomes the player's reward. Additionally, $2 is returned in the form of DRT to both the winner and loser who have not yet used DCT to recharge virtual DRT, and the platform extracts $12 as profit. The remaining $1 is airdropped in the form of DCT to all players who have not yet used DCT to recharge virtual DRT. No rewards will be issued for either DRT or DCT if a player has already used DCT to recharge DRT.

Usage: In-game currency invested by players

Acquisition Methods:

  • Purchase through exchanges

  • Irrespective of the outcome, any DRT input results in rewards, with more significant rewards for higher betting amounts.

Economic Circularity with Adaptive Adjustment Mechanism

Objective Ensuring that the incentive for users to recharge and invest is built on the foundation of platform profitability and stable Tokenomics. The effectiveness of the mechanism is not reliant on a centralized entity but is established on the operational basis of consensus rules.

Operational Rules When DRT price falls below 1 USDT: Token holders can exchange 1 DRT for 1 USDT worth of DCT within the Dios platform.

Execution Method In instances of excessive and rapid surges in the capital token (DCT), the system contract automatically initiates sales to capture the spread, repurchasing the return token (DRT) to provide players with a more robust gaming experience.

Dios dynamically adjusts the exchange rate between DCT and DRT based on platform profitability. To ensure a responsive system that smoothly achieves its goals without compromising user experience, a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) algorithm is employed for operational logic:

  • RtRt​ denotes the profit amount, measured in DRT, within a single time period.

  • EtEt​ signifies the adjustment amount to the DCT-DRT exchange rate within a single time period.

How does DCT enhance player earnings?

  1. Leverage Mechanism:

    • DCT, as the leverage coin, enables players to amplify their investment by obtaining 3-5 times the value in E-DRT (dynamic adjustment). This leverage empowers players to substantially increase their potential returns during gameplay.

  2. Tokenomics and Staking:

    • Players engaging with the platform can stake DCT, thereby gaining a 15% annual dividend on their holdings. This economic incentive further encourages users to align themselves with the Dios ecosystem, fostering long-term engagement.

  3. Burn Mechanism:

    • The process of using DCT in betting battles leads to a significant burn of tokens. This strategic burning mechanism contributes to the scarcity of DCT, subsequently enhancing its intrinsic value. As a result, players witness an appreciable increase in the value of their holdings.

Rule Analysis:

  • Rule 1: Virtual DRT is a one-time-use consumable.

  • Rule 2: Simultaneous usage of Virtual DRT by both sides in a single battle is prohibited.

Scenario Analysis:

  1. Real vs. Real Battle:

    • If two real currency players each wager $150, creating a $300 prize pool:

      • Platform deducts $51 (17%).

      • Winner claims $249.

  2. Real vs. Virtual Battle:

    • If a real currency player bets $150 and a virtual currency player bets $150 worth of Virtual DRT (purchased for $50 DCT at a 3x exchange rate):

      • Platform safeguards $200 equivalent.

      • If the real currency player wins, the platform subsidizes $49.

      • If the virtual currency player wins, the platform extracts no fees from the virtual winnings, covering the $200 safeguarded and earning $50 in profit.

  3. Enhanced Value through Virtual DRT:

    • If the virtual currency winner initially used $50 real DRT to bet, the victory yields $150, providing a significant increase from the $83 when using real DRT.

Impact Analysis:

  • The extensive burning of DCT tokens during this process results in a robust increase in the token's value.

  • The economic model not only ensures fair play and distinct outcomes based on currency types but also stimulates the burning of DCT, contributing to its significant value appreciation.
