How Web2 to Web3


Dios, with its foundation in highly profitable and top-quality casual games, coupled with a legitimate and compliant operational license for fund inflow and outflow, strategically employs a systematic approach to scale and seamlessly integrate Web2 users into its ecosystem. The following delineates the logical framework guiding this process.

Process Overview:

  1. Integration of High-Quality Casual Games:

    • Dios incorporates high-quality casual games into its economic model and betting mechanism.

  2. Scale Acquisition of Users:

    • Leveraging these games as targets, Dios initiates a large-scale, cost-effective acquisition of users from platforms like Google and Facebook, mirroring existing industry practices.

  3. Premium Game Content and Betting Mechanism:

    • The inherent premium quality of the games ensures a willingness among players to invest in in-game activities. The introduction of the betting mechanism provides an additional incentive, allowing players to profit within the game itself.

  4. Seamless Transactions:

    • Dios facilitates a one-click service for player transactions. Players experience automated DRT purchase when depositing and direct conversion of withdrawal amounts to USD in their bank accounts.

  5. Token Rebates and Burn Mechanism:

    • Players receive token rebates (DRT, DCT) upon placing bets, independent of the game outcome. These rebates increase with prolonged gameplay and cumulative betting amounts. However, withdrawal of these rebates necessitates a 20% platform internal or in-game purchase of DCT, subsequently burned to exchange for virtual DRT. The remaining 80% is then transferred to the player's bank account in USD.

  6. Optimized Recharging Strategy:

    • Players discover the significant increase in earnings when recharging DRT using DCT at a 1:3 value ratio. Subsequently, they opt for Dios platform purchases of DCT before recharging, establishing it as the optimal solution.

  7. DCT Consumption and Value Appreciation:

    • As a large influx of low-cost users becomes DCT users, extensive consumption of DCT occurs, leading to a rise in unit price. These users, now holders of DCT value, further contribute to its appreciation.

  8. Increased User Stickiness:

    • The influx of more users and tokens results in higher user stickiness, reinforcing the engagement and loyalty of the user base.

  9. Leveraged Capital and Increased Investment Intent:

    • The leverage provided by Dios amplifies players' capital, significantly boosting their willingness to invest within the game.

  10. Profit Utilization for Expansion:

    • Profits generated from both commission on betting turnover and the appreciation of DCT value are reinvested to acquire a multitude of users, thereby expanding Dios's business footprint.
